Hoshi no Koimonogatari

Hoshi no Koimonogatari

ISHII Yukari
Guide, Himitsu, Love Stories from the Stars, Love Stories of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, Millennium Loneliness, Sennen no Kodoku, 星の恋物語
1/9/2019 4:00 AM
Originally published in the April 2015 issue of Comic Spica, this is a series of astrology-themed one-shots created by different mangaka and collected in an anthology. Sennen no Kodoku (Millennium Loneliness) by FUJIWARA Kaoru A man devotes himself to pray in church. Himitsu (Secret) by SHIMURA Takako Magazine editor Nanase sees a poplar tree on the go. That fateful encounter, evokes the memory of a certain secret... Nandemonai Kinou no Hanashi (My Unexceptional Yesterday) by Itoi Nozo A woman has a seemingly unremarkable story about a chance meeting.