Goinkyo Maou-sama no Kaerizaki

Goinkyo Maou-sama no Kaerizaki

Toro Koroto
Goinkyo Maou-sama no Kaerizaki, ご隠居魔王さまの返り咲き, Goinkyo Maō-sama no Kaerizaki, The Return of the Retired Demon Lord
11/28/2023 3:54 AM
<p>A sudden bolt of lightning hits an old man...but! The lightning bolt rejuvenated him to the good-looking guy he was in his prime! His name is Gigi Allegarcia. He was called "the strongest who surpassed the strongest" and "a man who was loved by everything but magic"...he was the demon lord of the previous generation.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>突然の稲妻が一人の老人を襲った…が!なんとその稲妻は彼を全盛期のイケメンに若返らせたのだ!彼の名は「ジジ・アレガルシア」。「最強を超えた最強」「魔力以外の全てに愛された男」と呼ばれた…先々代の魔王である。</p>