Moto Saikyou Yuusha no Saishuushoku

Moto Saikyou Yuusha no Saishuushoku

Moto Saikyou Yuusha no Saishuushoku, Re-employment Of The Former Strongest Hero, 元最強勇者の再就職
6/9/2022 12:25 PM
<p>Dan was “the strongest and bravest” when he was young. But because of his lazy life, he is now a divorced, unemployed old man! He tries to earn money through quests for a living, but age has taken its toll on his strength and all that! He was approached by a silver-haired elf, a handsome man, and an S-rank adventurer… a young man of today’s generation!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>若い頃は「最強の勇者」だったダン。 だが、ダラダラ生きてきたせいで今では立派なバツイチ・無職のおっさんになっていた! 生活のためにクエストで金を稼ごうとするが、年のせいでなんか体力とか色々ダメになっていた! そんな彼に声をかけたのは、銀髪エルフでイケメンでSランクの冒険者という、なんかスゴい今時の若者だった!</p>
7 month ago