End of Arcadia

End of Arcadia

Aoi Yuuto
End of Arcadia, エンド・オブ・アルカディア
12/24/2023 11:33 AM
<p>Due to advancement in clone technology, mankind had finally obtained eternal life.<br/><br/>Arcadia, the ultimate life regeneration system. Through it, the frail mortal human received salvation from absolute death… Or so it was meant to be.<br/><br/>For some reason, the implantation of memories into duplicated bodies were only successful in the case of teenagers.<br/><br/>With the onset of war, this defect meant the deployment of these undying children to the frontlines.<br/><br/>Ichinose Akito was one of them, a second lieutenant in the United States of Elmea Army. As penalty for his militaristic underperformance, the platoon he led was ordered to undertake a salvage operation for top secret information with a survival rate of virtually zero.<br/><br/>In the midst of a sudden enemy encounter, Akito covered his teammates from a crustal collapse and found himself face-to-face with his arch-enemy: Philia Loadrain of the Lorelia Federation. To make things worse, they were cut off from the surface and the ability to respawn.<br/><br/>The two of them with opposing personalities and skillsets must put aside their differences as they make their way up the surface—.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>記憶のデータ化と高度なクローン技術が結集した究極の生命再生システム《アルカディア》。<br/>その恩恵で《死》を超越した少年少女の兵士たちは、戦場で日々戦績を競い合い《死に続ける》。<br/>そんな中、エルメア合衆国軍少尉・一之瀬秋人が率いる小隊は戦績不振のペナルティとして、全滅必至の機密情報回収作戦へと投じられる。<br/>予期せぬ戦闘と地盤崩落により、秋人は因縁の宿敵,、ローレリア連邦軍のエリート少女フィリア・ロードレインとともに《アルカディア》に接続不能な地下深くで孤立することになる──!!<br/><br/>第28回電撃小説大賞《金賞》受賞作、堂々のコミカライズ!!!</p>