Nami Uraraka ni, Meoto Biyori

Nami Uraraka ni, Meoto Biyori

Nishiga Hachi
Nami Uraraka ni, Meoto Biyori, 波うららかに、めおと日和
12/30/2023 12:24 PM
<p>In spring, 20-year-old Natsumi receives a marriage proposal to Takiaki Masashi, who works for the Imperial Navy. Suddenly, she is married to a Navy husband. Their (fairly) inexperienced in house matters, as well as in the affairs of men and women, begin their life as a couple in the highest degree of purity! When the sea breeze blows, I think of you. A story of a couple living in prewar Japan, spring, summer, fall, and winter, humble but gentle.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>春。20歳のなつ美の元に帝国海軍に勤める瀧昌との縁談が舞い込む――。突然始まった、海軍の旦那さんとの結婚生活。家のことはもちろん男女のことにも(かなり)不慣れな二人の、ピュア度MAXな夫婦生活が始まる!潮風が吹けば、あなたのことを思い出す。戦前日本で暮らす夫婦の、春夏秋冬、つつましくも優しい日々の物語。</p>
5 month ago