Do You Wanna Touch My Tail?

Do You Wanna Touch My Tail?

Do You Wanna Touch My Tail?, Yào Mō Mō Wěi Bā Me, 要摸摸尾巴么
8/18/2023 4:26 AM
<p>The mermaid, Ye Ming, encountered love at first sight with the handsome man, Lu Chuan, while performing in the aquarium. After receiving help from Lu Chuan, his good impression of him instantly grew stronger, and eventually brought him home in a blink of an eye. However, the next day, he revealed that he was a mermaid?!<br/><br/>What?!<br/><br/>Use your little mermaid brain! What are you going to do now?!</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>人鱼叶凕在海洋馆的表演中对帅气人类陆川一见钟情,得他帮助,好感倍增,转眼就给人领回家里了。结果转天就暴露自己是人鱼了?!哇!快动动你的小鱼脑这要怎么办呀?!</p>