Apartment Yonkaidate

Apartment Yonkaidate

Apartment Yonkaidate, Apartment 4kaidate, アパートメント四階建
1/8/2023 11:44 PM
<p>Aki, who has lived life in easy mode. When he went on a trip to Finland where he rented an apartment, he met Mika, a handsome man from Northern Europe, and got drunk and H... lost his virginity! !<br/><br/>He thought they would never see each other again, but Mika ended up staying at Aki's share house "Apartment 4-story"! ?<br/><br/>While he was sleeping, he was bullied, pressured, and talked about as a lover. In addition, the residents of the share house, Kujou (Aki's friends) and Mosao (the plain bullied child) are also involved! ?</p>