Akuyaku Ouji no Eiyuutan

Akuyaku Ouji no Eiyuutan

Hidari Ryuu
Akuyaku Ouji no Eiyuutan, 悪役王子の英雄譚, Heroic Tale of Villainous Prince
1/9/2024 8:27 PM
<p>Alfred, the third prince of the royal family who was born with black hair and black eyes, was hated.<br/>One day, he comes across his older brother, the first prince, Leolu, announcing to his fiancée, Charlotte, that she has broken off their engagement.<br/>In order to save Charlotte, who was falsely accused, Alfred took her place and thought the situation was settled...!?<br/><br/>A reversal of heroic fantasy begins with a villainous prince who used to be a shady person!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>王族で唯一の黒髪黒眼に生まれ、忌み嫌われる第三王子・アルフレッド。<br/>ある日、兄である第一王子・レオルが婚約者であるシャルロットに婚約破棄を宣言する場に出くわす。<br/>冤罪をかけられたシャルロットを救うため、アルフレッドが身代わりとなり事態は一件落着、と思いきや……!?<br/><br/>日陰者だった悪役王子による、逆転ヒロイック・ファンタジー開幕!</p>