

Makari Shinji
Yugo Negotiator, Yugo the Negotiator, Yuugo, 勇午, 勇午 パキスタン編, 勇午 日本編
2/4/2019 3:58 AM
Yugo Beppu is a master negotiator and mediator. With fluency in five languages, Socratic wit, and a deep understanding of human nature combined with top-level international connections make him a formidable operator. When a woman's father is seized by Dacoit bandits in Pakistan, Mayuko seeks Yugo's help. After a complex and dangerous negotiation, he secures his release. After this success Yugo is called in to deal with yakuza in Japan, triads in Hong Kong, the IRA in Northern Ireland, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Siberia. Note: New versions of this manga were published under different arcs in bunko format such as the Pakistan Hen, Russia Hen, etc.
3 year ago
2 year ago
3 year ago