Youngest son of the renowned swordsmanship clan

Youngest son of the renowned swordsmanship clan

Swordmaster’s Youngest Son, 검술명가 막내아들, The Youngest Son of a Renowned Family of Swordsmen, Младший сын фехтовальщика
12/12/2023 2:14 AM
<p>Jin Runcandel was the youngest son of Runcandel, the land’s most prestigious swordsman family…<br/>And the biggest failure in Runcandel history.<br/><br/>He, who was kicked out miserably and came to a meaningless end, was given another chance.<br/><br/>“How do you want to use this power?”<br/>“I want to use it for myself.”<br/><br/>Memories of his past life, overwhelming talent, and a contract with God…<br/>The preparations to become the greatest are complete.</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>진 룬칸델<br/>대륙 최고의 검술명가, 룬칸델의 막내아들<br/>룬칸델 역사상 최악의 둔재<br/><br/>비참하게 쫓겨나 허무한 최후를 맞이한 그에게<br/>다시 한 번 기회가 주어졌다.<br/><br/>“너는 이 힘을 어떻게 사용하고 싶더냐?”<br/>“저를 위해 사용하고 싶습니다.”<br/><br/>전생의 기억과 압도적인 재능, 그리고 신과의 계약<br/><br/>최강이 될 준비는 끝났다.</p>