Wolf Girl & Black Prince

Wolf Girl & Black Prince

オオカミ少女と黒王子, Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji, Junketsu Lullaby, Pierrot ja Nee yo, Kamatte-chan de Gomenasai!!, Kimi wo Suki ni Natta Riyuu, The Reason I Love You
12/11/2021 12:51 AM
Erika Shinohara is a firm believer that in high school, one's life is decided in the first two months. This belief leads her to befriend Marin Tachibana and Aki Tezuka, two girls who exclusively talk about their boyfriends. Lacking a boyfriend, Erika is forced to make one up to fit in with her friends. She even goes so far as to take a not-so-discreet photo of a handsome young man on the street, hoping to pass him off as her boyfriend. Unfortunately, Erika's friends recognize the man in the photo as Kyouya Sata, a popular student. Realizing that she could be exposed as a liar, Erika seeks out Kyouya and proceeds to explain the situation. At first, Kyouya's reaction seems too good to be true, but seconds after, he orders her to act like a dog. It is at this very moment that Erika realizes she has messed up, but anything for inclusion, right? Will Erika be able to handle the weight of her lies as she tries to find a way out of this masochistic relationship, or will she see Kyouya for more than what he shows? <b>Included one-shots:</b> Volume 2: Junketsu Lullaby Volume 3: Pierrot ja Nee yo Volume 8: Kamatte-chan de Gomenasai!! Volume 11: <amlink subject="22521">Kimi wo Suki ni Natta Riyuu</amlink> (The Reason I Love You)