When I try to go to work, the dog I picked up gets in the way

When I try to go to work, the dog I picked up gets in the way

The dog I picked up when I was going to work got in the way when I met I was standing soaked in the rain, 仕事に行こうとすると拾ってきた犬が邪魔してくる, 仕事に行こうとすると拾ってきた犬が邪魔してくる出会ったときは雨の中ずぶ濡れで立ち尽くしていた
6/2/2020 2:11 PM
[Italiano] <br/>Una giovane &quot;cagnolina&quot;? Di nome Yuki Raccolta dalla strada ed il suo nuovo padrone, Keisuke. Lei terrorizata dal rimanere sola e lui che non riesce a non fare a meno di viziarla... <br/><br/>[English]<br/>a young &quot;dog&quot;?, named Yuki, Gathered from the street and her new owner, Keisuke. She terrified of being alone and he who can not help but spoil her...