The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man

The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man

Upi (어피)
The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man, Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace, 피자배달부와 골드팰리스
10/28/2022 2:12 AM
<p>Due to his father’s reckless investments and gambling habits, Woo Won and his mother were saddled with a debt that they’ve spent their whole life trying to pay off. After his mother was forced to return to the countryside due to her ailing health, he was left all by himself to battle a lone fight. The heavens seemed to be indifferent to his plight when he was fired from his part-time job that paid well.<br/><br/>While looking for a new job, his friend suggested that he try the pizza delivery gig at a pizzeria located in a fancy neighborhood. Not only was the food good, but it was also famous for employing beautiful and handsome workers. Woo Won, who is on the attractive side, applied in an instant for an interview and was accepted immediately. <br/><br/>Seo An has lived all his life under the control of his unyielding father who couldn’t tolerate even a single slip up. It ate away at his life, and finally, culminated into social anxiety and a panic disorder. Finally, he quit his job and shut himself off away from the world. <br/><br/>One day, a person suddenly appeared and offered Seo a small kindness. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t afraid of another person. This is a story of two youths who are tired of life, how they meet and fall in love.</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>아버지의 무리한 사업 투자와 도박으로 인해 평생 어머니와 함께 빚을 갚아온 우원.<br/>그런 어머니마저 몸이 나빠져 시골로 내려가며 홀로 고군분투한다.<br/>하늘이 무심하게도 시급 좋던 알바처에서 잘리게 되고<br/>새로운 일자리를 알아보던 중 친구의 소개를 받게 된다.<br/>부촌 일대에 자리 잡은 피자가게 배달부.<br/>맛은 물론, 직원들이 잘생기고 예쁘기로 유명했다.<br/>훤칠한 외모의 우원은 당장 면접을 가게 되고 바로 합격한다.<br/><br/>하나의 오점도 용납할 수 없는 아버지의 욕심에<br/>휘둘리며 평생을 살아온 서안.<br/>그렇게 자신을 갉아먹으며 살아왔다.<br/>그리고 터져 버린 공황과 대인 기피.<br/>모든 일은 멈췄고 서안은 집에 갇혀 버린다.<br/><br/>그런 서안에게 작은 호의를 베푸는 사람이 나타났다.<br/>아주 오랜만에 사람이 무섭지 않았다.<br/><br/>삶에 지쳐 살던 두 사람이 만나 사랑하는 청춘 로맨스.<br/>피자배달부와 골드팰리스.<br/>시작합니다.</p>