The Tale of the Demon King, the Valiant Warrior, and the Temple of the Holy Sword

The Tale of the Demon King, the Valiant Warrior, and the Temple of the Holy Sword

Chen Guojian
The Tale of the Demon King, the Valiant Warrior, and the Temple of the Holy Sword, 魔王与勇者与圣剑神殿
5/27/2022 9:48 PM
<p>According to legend, the RAEIO continent was once overrun by demons and bloodshed. Alfray, the Demon King, used her demonic power to rule the Demon Clan. It was the darkest era in history until a Warrior of Light emerged and finally defeated the Demon King, sealing away her power. At long last, the land of RAEIO was free. In time, the Temple of the Holy Sword was established to fight against evil.Since then, in every generation, a hero would be chosen to inherit the Holy Sword and wield its magical power.</p>