The Skinny Girl and The Chubby Boy

The Skinny Girl and The Chubby Boy

kato mayumi
The Lanky Girl and the Thicc Boi, The Sticc Girl and the Thicc Boi, Yasefuto, Yaseppochi to Futoccho, やせっぽちとふとっちょ, やせふと
4/17/2023 1:31 AM
One day a chubby little boy calls out to a malnourished orphan girl, &quot;Come with me, I'll feed ya.&quot;<br/>Thus Julia and her dog Alex begin their life with Dan and his father, working at their restaurant.<br/><br/>Creator-approved translations by <a href="">TheElusiveTaco.</a><br/><br/><strong>Links:</strong><br/><a href="">Author's Pixiv</a><br/><a href="">Author's Twitter</a>