The Legend of Koizumi

The Legend of Koizumi

ムダヅモ無き改革, Mudazumonaki Kaikaku, Reform with no Wasted Draws, Ritz, Oretachi Kenou Shineitai, Lacross Shoujo Katagiri Ririn-san wa Totemo Moteru
3/7/2022 7:32 AM
Global political figures such as The Pope, Kim Jong Il, George W. Bush and recent Japanese Prime Ministers play riichi mahjong against each other. <b>Included one-shots:</b> Volume 3: Ritz Season.1 Volume 4: Oretachi Kenou Shineitai Volume 11: Ritz Season.2 Volume 12: Lacross Shoujo Katagiri Ririn-san wa Totemo Moteru Volume 13: Ritz Season.3