The Author I Stole

The Author I Stole

Chaneun 찬은
The Author I Stole, 내가 훔친 작가님
8/25/2023 5:27 AM
<p>Angela, who was born in a completely different world while retaining memories of her past life, embarks on her second life. <br/><br/>She wishes to share the tales written by Andersen, her favorite fairy tale author in her past life. Angela establishes a publishing company and successfully publishes his fairy tales, thriving in her endeavors. <br/><br/>However... <br/><br/>"This doesn't make sense!"<br/>"What doesn't make sense?"<br/><br/>To her surprise, Andersen also exists in this world! And not just any Andersen, but a callous and handsome one.<br/><br/>Angela jumps at the opportunity to recruit a writer for the first time in her life. Despite leading a stable life as a knight hailing from an esteemed noble family, Andersen actually possesses a talent so brilliant like a jewel.<br/><br/>"Author, please sign a (lifetime) contract with me!"<br/><br/>A romance fantasy even more enchanting than a fairy tale, <The Author I Stole>.</p>