The Antagonistic Goddess Attacks

The Antagonistic Goddess Attacks

Fanpai Nudi Lai Xi, Nữ Đế Phản Diện Tập Kích!, Villainous Diva Empress, 反派女帝来袭
4/21/2022 3:49 PM
<em>An adaptation of Mo Ling's novel: Coming of the Villain Boss! </em><br/><br/>It's said the plots of quick-transmigration systems are classified as: normal-hard-hell-goddess. Beating up white lotuses, trampling on scum men, using unpredictable means of revenge...see how a goddess makes them tremble in fear, fleeing in all directions. However this time, why is he not dodging or hiding, instead sticking to me? &quot;Because this time, I want you to fall in love with me.&quot;
10 month ago
3 month ago