Tales of Xillia - The Reason (Doujinshi)

Tales of Xillia - The Reason (Doujinshi)

Tales of Xillia - Riyuu, Tales of Xillia dj - Riyuu, Tales of Xillia dj - The Reason, 理由
4/29/2022 10:48 AM
A Tales of Xillia pixiv doujinshi.<br /><br />Five years have passed since the events of the original Tales of Xillia. Now, Elise is nearly 18 years old. Back from a year-long business trip, Alvin comes to see his beloved princess. She welcomes him home with a kiss filled with love, normal for two lovers. However, is it really all right for Alvin to accept it? <br /><br />Original pixiv doujinshi: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=27306105