Superstar From Age 0

Superstar From Age 0

Superstar From Age 0, 0살부터 슈퍼스타
10/23/2023 3:23 AM
<p>From elves, fairies, slimes, gift items, devils and more, countless and thousands of reincarnations have led to a new life. I, Lee Seo Jun, have been reborn as a human child!<br/><br/>In the library of my life, where memories of my previous lives remain like fairy tales, I happen to see a past life with the dream life I desperately wanted. On top of that, I’ve been given abilities that grabs people’s attention!<br/><br/>With my hansome face doing all the hard work! My insane acting skills! This time, at long last, I will achieve my dream and become a superstar!<br/><br/>Wet’s dow it! (Baby Accent)</p>