Strange Tales of Kisaragi

Strange Tales of Kisaragi

Strange Tales of Kisaragi, きさらぎ異聞, Kisaragi Ibun
10/21/2023 9:21 AM
<p>Malice, Unconsciousness, Urban Legends --. <br/>The crossroads of music and story of darkness corrupting people!!<br/><br/>Nagisa, the girl living in a firece environment, both home and school.<br/>Through music, she got addicted to the people on the internet. One day, she walked past a mysterious girl in the train station she usually goes to, the world around her changes.<br/>What she wandered into, is exactly the infamous 'Kisaragi Station', an urban tale popular among internet forums.<br/>As she fights against the monsters after her, what is the truth unraveling in front of her that makes her want to look away...?!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>悪意、無意識、都市伝説――あらゆる闇が人を蝕む音楽と物語の交差点!!<br/><br/>家庭と学校の両方で壮絶な環境に身を置く少女・渚。<br/>音楽を通したSNSの人間関係に依存してい彼女の日常は、いつもの駅で謎の少女とすれ違うと共に突如奇怪な世界に変貌する。<br/>迷い込んだのは「きさらぎ駅」、かって掲示板で有名になった都市伝説であった。<br/>命を狙う怪異たちを退けるにつれて露になる目を逸らしたくなる真実とは…!?</p>