Shikkaku Kara Hajimeru Nariagari Madou Shidou!

Shikkaku Kara Hajimeru Nariagari Madou Shidou!

Start up from disqualification. The rising of the sorcerer road, The Upcoming Magician's Road That Started from Disqualification, The Magician Who Rose From Failure, 失格から始める成り上がり魔導師道!
1/7/2024 11:23 AM
Let me tell you the story of Arcs Reytheft, the disgraced eldest son of a great feudal lord. Because he was weak, his family left. He thus strives to become the strongest person. Arcs was formerly a Japanese man, you see, and was immediately sent to this planet after his death. Arc was not eligible to inherit the land due to his magic powers, despite his father's wishes. The scene has been set, and Arc's objective is getting closer. Revenge on those who made fun of his mediocre skills.  Whether via training or trickery? Who cares if that section is unclear? Time for some thrilling self-inserts!