Sokushi to Hametsu no Saijaku Majutsushi

Sokushi to Hametsu no Saijaku Majutsushi

亜行 蓮
Sokushi to Hametsu no Saijaku Majutsushi, Instant Death and Destruction of the Weakest Magician
12/7/2023 4:05 PM
<p>A young man named Ryou, who was born with the weakest magic power in history, was summoned to another world as a hero. However, he soon realized that his magic was useless in this world, where only physical strength mattered. He was betrayed by his comrades and left to die in a dungeon. There, he met a mysterious girl who granted him the power of instant death. With this new ability, he decided to take revenge on those who had wronged him and seek a way to return to his original world. Along the way, he encountered various enemies and allies, as well as secrets and mysteries that would shake the very foundation of this world</p>
1 year ago