Racist Revolution

Racist Revolution

Jah Blezzin
人種差別革命, Hito shusabetsu kakumei
11/26/2023 1:33 PM
The story of 17 year old Jaice who is irritated and tired of his surroundings. constantly dealing with insufferable people who always test his patience and blatant racial predjudice because of his skin color It's clear that he wants things to change, but how? Well starting a new life in a fantasy world with magic and tragedy is one way! Life becomes ten times harder for our main character when he discovers that racism is also rampant in this new fantasy world. From being a free "black kid" to facing horrific events at the cost of his sanity. Will he be able to survive the discrimination and rise above the ashes, or will he succumb to his weaknesses and give up? Find out now!
3 month ago