Queen's Academy

Queen's Academy

Queen's Academy, クイーンズアカデミー
4/3/2023 5:34 PM
<p>Fumihiro, a high school student whose only merit is his cooking skills, has transferred to the humorous, elegant, and tea-scented Daiei Teikoku Academy.<br/><br/>Fumihiro ends up having a run-in with Charlotte, the student council president and queen of the school. She decided to have Fumihiro join the student council as an exclusive cook to change the lousy quality of school food.<br/><br/>However, within the council, there are spies, pirates, witches, knights, great detectives... a group of beautiful girls with super strong personalities! The Reiwa era's "national character" comedy opens here!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>料理の腕だけが唯一の取り柄の高校生、フミヒロが転校してきたのは、ユーモアたっぷりでエレガント、紅茶の香りただよう「大榮帝国学園」。ロリ生徒会長で学園の女王様、シャーロットと出会ったフミヒロは、飯がマズすぎる学園を変えるべく、専属料理人として生徒会に加わることに。しかしそこは、スパイ、海賊、魔女、騎士、名探偵…何でもありの個性強すぎ美少女集団だった!令和の「お国柄」コメディここに開幕!</p>