Polar Night Season 2 (Pontus)

Polar Night Season 2 (Pontus)

Un 운(雲)
Polar Night Season 2 (Pontus), 폰투스
8/5/2022 5:45 AM
<p><Polar Night> Season 2.<br/>Two weeks after the disaster at the Global Science Base in Antarctica.<br/>The American research icebreaker ‘Pontus’ is a survivor of the science base disaster.<br/>Cha Dong-hwan, Sayaka, Nozomi, Ri Meirin, Wang Ga-ochang, Lee Sang-hyun, Kim Kyung-han, Jeong Se-in<br/>Carrying the only surviving infected person, Cheon Ki-wook, on his way to Manhattan Harbor, New York.<br/>Another terrible tragedy begins in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.<br/><br/>(MTL Synopsis)</p>