I Decided to Fake a Marriage with My Junior (♀️) to Shut My Parents Up

I Decided to Fake a Marriage with My Junior (♀️) to Shut My Parents Up

naoko kodama
親がうるさいので後輩(♀)と偽装結婚してみた。, I Decided to Fake a Marriage with My Junior to Shut My Parents Up, Oya ga Urusai node Kouhai to Gisou Kekkon shitemita., Oya ga Urusai node Kouhai (♀) to Gisou Kekkon Shitemita., I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up, I Decided to Fake a Marriage With My Junior to Shut My Parents Up.
12/18/2018 4:39 PM
Morimoto is getting bugged by her parents to marry (a guy). Her (female) kouhai suggests she fake her marriage so her parents would stop but they will scrutinize every guy she might choose no matter what. Since there's a new law that allows homosexuals to marry, her kouhai suggests herself; only this kouhai has confessed to her before. What will become of their married life?