Oukoku no Saishuu Heiki, Rettousei to shite Kishi Gakuin e

Oukoku no Saishuu Heiki, Rettousei to shite Kishi Gakuin e

Oukoku no Saishuu Heiki, Rettousei to shite Kishi Gakuin e, The Ultimate Weapon of the Kingdom, He Went to the Knight Academy as an Inferior Student, 王国の最終兵器、劣等生として騎士学院へ
7/22/2023 5:50 AM
<p>The inferior student is the strongest in the academy!! The kingdom’s strongest weapon is longing for his “Youth”!? Being a “knight” means The world acknowledges your lineage and talent. A young man named Ain enrolled in the Knight academy in the capital, But because he came from the church orphanage he got placed in the lowest class, ( E class) or what people call (Inferior class). And so while being ridiculed by the aristocrats and honor students, Ain starts his school life…..however, everything is just a cover, Ain or (Nameless No.1) is one of the (Phantom knights), The strongest weapon of the kingdom created by the darkside of the church. While the principal who has been told his identity is being troubled, Ain is leading the (Inferior class). His goal in the knight’s academy is “Making friends”!?. A thrilling fantasy of the strongest young knight who out of touch with the world overthrows the aristocrats.</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>Siswa inferior adalah yang terkuat di akademi!! Senjata terkuat kerajaan adalah merindukan "Pemuda" nya!? Menjadi "ksatria" berarti Dunia mengakui garis keturunan dan bakat Anda. Seorang pemuda bernama Ain mendaftar di akademi Ksatria di ibukota, Tapi karena dia berasal dari panti asuhan gereja dia ditempatkan di kelas terendah, ( kelas E) atau yang biasa disebut (kelas inferior). Jadi saat diejek oleh para bangsawan dan siswa kehormatan, Ain memulai kehidupan sekolahnya…..namun, semuanya hanya kedok, Ain atau (No Nameless 1) adalah salah satu (Phantom knight), Senjata terkuat dari kerajaan yang diciptakan oleh sisi gelap gereja. Sementara kepala sekolah yang telah diberitahu identitasnya sedang bermasalah, Ain memimpin (Kelas inferior). Tujuannya di akademi ksatria adalah "Berteman"!?.</p>