Futsutsuka na Oyako de wa Arimasu ga

Futsutsuka na Oyako de wa Arimasu ga

Not Entirely a Father-Daughter Relationship, ふつつかな父娘ではありますが, 不完全父女关系
4/14/2021 2:11 AM
She: because her parents died when she was young, she had to go work at a distant relative's restaurant.<br/>He: born to a rich family, representing the Kiryuu family and leaping forward in the business world.<br/>Whether their births or childhood environment, they were worlds apart. They had nothing to do which each other's lives - or so they thought.<br/>The start of a &quot;Father-Daughter&quot; relationship!<br/><br/>Espa&ntilde;ol:<spoiler><br/>Yo, que me qued&eacute; sin padres cuando era muy joven, sol&iacute;a trabajar en el restaurante de unos parientes lejanos. &Eacute;l, nacido en una familia rica, es un popular hombre de negocios y heredero de una gran corporaci&oacute;n. Nacimos y crecimos en condiciones totalmente distintas. Nadie pensar&iacute;a que estemos relacionados. Y, sin embargo&hellip;</spoiler>