Mote Papa to Dakaretai Junjou Koushi

Mote Papa to Dakaretai Junjou Koushi

モテパパと抱かれたい純情講師, Family Order!, Straight Player
5/31/2021 8:54 AM
Ever since realizing he is gay, 20-year-old university student Oda has wondered what it would be like to spend a passionate night together with another man. He finally decides to meet up with someone through a dating site and is blessed with a nearly perfect evening of anonymous sex. However, when Oda asks his partner if they can continue this relationship, he receives a negative response. After facing this bitter rejection, Oda returns to his part-time tutoring job, but his thoughts are still filled with memories of his mysterious partner. When a student is left behind at the end of the day, Oda offers to walk the young boy home and is met with the most unlikely of surprises. Oda's formerly anonymous sex partner turns out to be Kazushi Miyamoto, the single father of the student, Yuuto, who Oda has accompanied home. Awkwardness ensues from this reunion, but with Yuuto playing matchmaker, does this one-night stand have the potential to grow into something more?