Love and Sweet Drugs

Love and Sweet Drugs

Morirás si no comes dulces, 不吃甜点就会死
3/17/2023 9:34 AM
One day, I couldn't eat sweets and became weaker to the point of making my heart nearly stopped beating; until I met someone who could make my strength stronger and longer for a period of time - a patissier!<br/>But, after his girlfriend's death, he wouldn't make any sweets anymore and opened a caf&eacute; instead, selling the bitterest coffee ever.<br/>So, to save my life, I'll definitely make sure you return to making sweets again!<br/>Please, please~<br/><br/>[ Espa&ntilde;ol ]<br/>Un d&iacute;a, no pude comer dulces y me debilit&eacute; hasta el punto de que mi coraz&oacute;n casi dej&oacute; de latir. Hasta que conoc&iacute; a alguien que pod&iacute;a hacer mi fuerza m&aacute;s fuerte y m&aacute;s larga por un per&iacute;odo de tiempo, &iexcl;un pastelero! Pero, despu&eacute;s de la muerte de su novia, ya no hizo m&aacute;s dulces y abri&oacute; un caf&eacute;, vendiendo el caf&eacute; m&aacute;s amargo de todos los tiempos. As&iacute; que, para salvar mi vida, &iexcl;definitivamente me asegurar&eacute; de que vuelvas a hacer dulces de nuevo!<br/>Por favor, por favor&hellip;