Katsuben Ouji no Hanayome-san

Katsuben Ouji no Hanayome-san

Katsuben Ouji no Hanayome-san, 活弁王子の花嫁さん, Katsuben Ouji no Hanayome-san, The wife of Katsuben Prince
6/11/2023 12:10 AM
<p>The time is the Taisho era (1912-1926), when movies were still called katsudo shashin (Moving Pictures).<br/>Hanae is engaged to marry into the family of Koushiro, who is eight years older than her.<br/>However, this Koushiro had another name.<br/>He was the most popular benshi of his generation, Utsutsubashi Kousei.<br/>How is the newlywed life of Hanae who became the wife of a popular showman?<br/>This is a story of pure and innocent love fulfilled by a couple with an age difference<br/>(Machine Translated)</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>時は大正。映画がまだ活動写真と呼ばれていた時代。<br/>家同士の取り決めにより婚約した花絵は8歳年上の功四郎の家に嫁ぐことになる。<br/>しかし、この功四郎、もうひとつの名前があった。<br/>当代きっての人気活動弁士・現橋虹声。<br/>こうして人気稼業の妻となった花絵の新婚生活やいかに。<br/>これは年の差夫婦の、純粋無垢な、恋の成就の物語――…。</p>