Itoshi no Kemukujara

Itoshi no Kemukujara

Akai Shirafu
Itoshi no Kemukujara, いとしの毛むくじゃら, Lovely Hairy
6/12/2022 4:40 AM
<p>"To those who live in this world, 'a walking total body of shame'."<br/>What kind of world is ......!!!!!?<br/><br/>Much, much more than others.<br/>Shinichiro Tsuji is a freelancer with a complex about his thin body hair.<br/>Today, again and again, he would look at his smooth arms and crotch in the bathtub at home and feel depressed, remembering the teasing of his friends.<br/><br/>He would close his eyes and ponder over things as usual.<br/>Today, too, his daily routine was supposed to go by like that. When he looked up, he found himself in a foreign palace.<br/><br/>When I looked up, I found myself in a foreign palace.<br/>I was mesmerized by the glossy hair fluttering in front of me. And in the blink of an eye, I became a prisoner.<br/><br/>Among the people in the royal palace who never saw this, the only one who called out to Shinichiro and touched it was the youngest prince, Prince Falu.<br/><br/>His body reacts to the hairy man who touches him as if he is probing him.<br/>His body reacts to the touch and ......?<br/><br/>A brown beast prince and a sensitive boy with a big pie pan.<br/>A different world trip, touchy-feely love.</p>