I, the Sacrifice, Somehow Killed the Evil God

I, the Sacrifice, Somehow Killed the Evil God

I, the Sacrifice, Somehow Killed the Evil God, Ikenie ni Natta Ore ga Nazeka Jashin wo Horoboshite Shimatta Ken, 生贄になった俺が、なぜか邪神を滅ぼしてしまった件
12/24/2023 6:25 AM
<p>Elt sacrificed himself to the evil god in place of his childhood friend. He was prepared to die in the face of the evil god's attack, and was supposed to meet his end...However, at that moment, his unique skill "Inventory" activates, and he finds himself turning the tables on the evil god. Surviving, Elt sets off for his home village to inform his childhood friend of his safety, but on the way, he encounters a powerful monster walking through the forest—however, as he prepares to avoid the confrontation, he spots a fainted girl right next to the creature! A royal welcome upon this world! The success fantasy starting with a sacrificial hero!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>自ら幼馴染の身代わりに邪神への生贄となったエルト。邪神の攻撃を前に死を覚悟し、最期を迎える……はずだった。が、ユニークスキル『ストック』が発動し、気が付くと邪神を返り討ちにしていた。生還したエルトは幼馴染に無事を伝えるため、故郷の村へと旅立つことに。道中、森を歩いていると強力なモンスターに遭遇。戦闘を回避しようと考えたその時、モンスターの傍で気を失っている少女を発見し——生贄系主人公による王道成り上がりファンタジー開幕!</p>