I Have To Be A Great Villain

I Have To Be A Great Villain

I Have To Be A Great Villain, 我要当个大坏蛋, Wo Yao Dang Ge Da Huaidan, I Am Going to Be a Bastard, I Want to Be a Scoundrel, I'm Going to Be a Great Villian, The Wicked Want To Rescue, 恶人想要抢救一下
5/15/2022 3:40 AM
<p>A true villain is ruthless! Evil! A troublemaker! And after beating the male lead black and blue, he walks away as explosions go off on the back. Wang Yi was determined to act as this kind of villain. Unfortunately... the male protagonist can read minds. _(:з ∠*)_<br/><br/>"You bastard!" Mr. Yi sneered, glaring and looking down at the novel's male lead. The young gong, Qin, suddenly sees his inner thoughts plastered on his face, with cute emoticons (///ω///): You're so cute...<br/>He gradually wonders: ?</p>