Full Moon o Sagashite - Strawberry Lunch (Doujinshi)

Full Moon o Sagashite - Strawberry Lunch (Doujinshi)

Tanemura Arina dj - Strawberry Lunch, Tanemura Arina dj - Strawberry Lunch 2, Tanemura Arina dj - Strawberry Lunch 3, Tanemura Arina dj - Strawberry Lunch 4
12/28/2018 4:22 PM
A series of doujinshi for the works of Tanemura Arina. - Strawberry Lunch 4 In a series of (mostly) fluffy shorts, Mitsuki relates her experiences with Eichi back to her everyday life with Takuto and Meroko. Meanwhile, in a short sequel to Ginyuu Meika, Akiyoshi puzzles over a strange dream he had and comes to the conclusion that he’s, well, kind of weird.