Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru

Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru

The Dark Massacre of the Vengeful Hero, The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness, Герой, жаждущий мести, уничтожит врагов Силой Тьмы, 復讐を希う最強勇者は、闇の力で殲滅無双する
1/5/2024 7:35 AM
Raoul, who had defeated the demon king as the strongest hero, should have become the savior of the world.<br/><br/>Having his treasured companions and family killed by power-hungry aristocrats, he was executed with false charges brought against him by the princess. Just before his life collapsed, at last, his heart fell into darkness.<br/><br/>...I'll tear those traitors from limb to limb. Burn them at the stake. Sever them to pieces. Skewer them. I'll kill every one of those bastards without mercy and make them taste hell's suffering.....!!!<br/><br/>Obtaining the power of darkness, Raoul was revived. Sneering, he vowed revenge.<br/><br/>&ldquo;Oh, I&rsquo;m looking forward to it &ndash; from now on, I'll bask in their blood as I please.&rdquo;<br/><br/>Several days after the hero's revival in the imperial capital where flowers bloomed in profusion, the parade that would advance towards tragedy began.<br/><br/><hr/><strong><u>French / Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong> <spoiler><br/>Raul qui avait vaincu le roi d&eacute;mon et reconnu comme &eacute;tant le h&eacute;ros le plus fort aurait d&ucirc; devenir le sauveur du monde. Mais ses chers compagnons et sa famille ont &eacute;t&eacute; tu&eacute;s par des aristocrates affam&eacute;s de pouvoir, et lui ex&eacute;cut&eacute; suite &agrave; de fausses accusations port&eacute;es contre lui par la princesse. Juste avant que sa vie ne s'effondre, son c&oelig;ur tomba finalement dans les t&eacute;n&egrave;bres. &quot;Je d&eacute;chirerai ces tra&icirc;tres de membre en membre. Br&ucirc;lez-les sur le b&ucirc;cher. Coupez-les en morceaux. Embrochez-les. Je tuerai tous ces salauds sans piti&eacute; et je leur ferai go&ucirc;ter les souffrances de l'enfer.... ! ! ! !&quot; ! Ayant obtenu le pouvoir des t&eacute;n&egrave;bres, Raul fut ressuscit&eacute;. En tout ricanant, il jura de se venger. &quot;Oh, j'ai h&acirc;te d'y &ecirc;tre - &agrave; partir de maintenant, je me pr&eacute;lasserai dans leur sang comme il me plaira.&quot; Quelques jours apr&egrave;s la renaissance du h&eacute;ros, dans la capitale imp&eacute;riale o&ugrave; les fleurs fleurissaient &agrave; profusion, le d&eacute;fil&eacute; qui allait mener vers la trag&eacute;die d&eacute;buta.</spoiler>