Free! - Yappari Koi Kamo Shirenai Node (Doujinshi)

Free! - Yappari Koi Kamo Shirenai Node (Doujinshi)

Free! dj - Actually, It Might Be Love, Free! dj - Yappari Koi Kamo Shirenai Node, Free! dj - やっぱり恋かもしれないので
6/1/2019 2:45 PM
Pairing: Sousuke x Momotarou The morning after leaves Momo unable to think about anything but Sousuke and the moment they shared, but the normally upbeat teen finds himself at a loss for words. So of course, he resorts to childish tricks in a desperate bid to stay near. Sousuke sees right through him. However, this doesn't mean he minds the length Momo is going to because he wants to be closer to him...