Fantasy Maid

Fantasy Maid

Huàn Xiǎng Nǚ Pú, 幻想女仆, Fantasy Maid
12/31/2018 6:17 PM
If you had the option to create the lover of your dreams, you would surely jump at the chance right away, right? Ying Bei is an art student with a crush on one of his classmates, the beautiful and popular Yunyun. But, disbelieving that he ever has a chance with her, Ying Bei turns to the Internet and finds the “Angelic Inn,” a place where he can purchase the customizable girlfriend of his fantasies. The cute “angel,” Jiujiu, arrives at his door and starts to live with him. Ying Bei’s life should be a dream come true, but what kind of love can be built between him and Jiujiu?