Don't Think That I'll Always Be A Cute Girl!

Don't Think That I'll Always Be A Cute Girl!

Don't Think That I'll Always Be A Cute Girl!, Don't Think That I'll Be Cute Forever! ~If You Make A Wish From The Sacred Stone, You'll Become The World's Strongest Beautiful Girl~, いつまでも可愛くしてると思うなよ!~聖石に願ったら最強の美少女になりました~, Itsu Made Mo Kawaiku Shi Teru To Omou Na Yo! ~Hijiriishi Ni Negattara Saikyō No Bishōjo Ni Narimashita~
12/10/2023 5:42 PM
<p>I intended to become the world's strongest "man", but I ended up becoming the world's strongest "woman"...?!<br/>The adventurer, Lydel, wanted the sacred stone, "Baetyl's Eye", to make him the strongest "man" in the world. <br/>The result? Lydel became strongest, but turned into a girl at the same time. <br/>In order for her to return to being a male, Lydel embarks on an adventure to find a new sacred stone, but...?</p>