Daifuku-chan to Ouji-sama

Daifuku-chan to Ouji-sama

Chiba Kozue
Daifuku-chan to Ouji-sama, 大福ちゃんと皇子さま, Shared House Kitten Blue
11/8/2023 9:25 PM
<p>For the first time, 19-year-old Setoya Kinari is striking out on her own, swapping life in the countryside for the bright city lights of Tokyo before her first semester of college begins. She has a few goals for her new life. Among them is goal one: move into the rowdy but lovable Kitten Blue Boarding House. Goal two: find a new love in Tokyo. But this boarding house has one problem—an extremely hot resident named Towa who totally mistakes her for a stalker. Yikes</p>