Catching Up With Luke Bischel

Catching Up With Luke Bischel

Akkobbang Esti
Catching Up With Luke Bischel, 루크 비셸 따라잡기
7/24/2023 11:28 PM
<P>With wealth, status, and incredibly good looks, the only thing Bastian Effenberg is missing is a decent personality. But who needs one of those when the queen is your cousin and the whole world bows at your feet? <br/><br/>Of course, even a noble pain in everyone's side needs to be disciplined once in a while. And that's what Bastian's parents thought they were doing when they threatened to marry him off to Luke Vischel, the ferocious knight of everyone's nightmares. Luke may have been the only person Bastian ever feared, but that is precisely how she captured his heart. <br/><br/>Now, Bastian is determined to conquer the woman who once sent chills up his spine, but is he any match for her? This pompous heir is certainly a force to be reckoned with, but if anyone can tame him, it's her.</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>세상 두려울 게 없던 왕국에서 제일 가는 공작가의 망나니 '바스티안 에펜베르크'.<br/>자신과 정반대인 왕국 최고 마물사냥꾼 '루크 비셸'과 결혼하겠다고 선언한다!<br/>모든 게 반대인 두 사람의 결혼, 과연 평탄할 수 있을 것인가?</p>