Cage of Thorns - Freedom in Miniature Garden

Cage of Thorns - Freedom in Miniature Garden

荊の檻~箱庭の中の自由~, Ibara no Ori - Hakoniwa no Naka no Jiyuu
11/18/2021 1:21 AM
Tsurugi met Katsuragi's father and Tsurugi is afraid senior Katsuragi might do something to the company he manages, Mishima Construction. But young Katsuragi thought Tsurugi wanted a break-up and told Tsurugi he would definitely protect him. Tsurugi always thought that their relationship is purely sexual, without any feelings involved. Now Tsurugi met with some troubles, will Katsuragi keep to his promise to protect him? (from Attractive Fascinante)