Blue and Other Short Pieces

Blue and Other Short Pieces

197X, Blue, Blue (Yamamoto Naoki), Hageshii Ousama, Hypochristmutreefuzz, Kasei no Jijou no Maki, Kibou no Tomo, Nandattenda 7days, Zubizuba
1/29/2019 10:00 PM
Collection of short stories.<br/><br/>Contains:<br/><br/> Blue<br/><br/> Hypochristmutreefuzz<br/><br/> Nandattenda 7days (Kasei no Jijou no Maki)<br/><br/> 197X<br/>Long, long ago, when things like VHS, Betamax and satellite broadcasting didn&rsquo;t exist yet, there lived a boy who loved watching movies over anything else - until one day he found something much more interesting to do in the darkness of the movie hall&hellip;<br/><br/> Hageshii Ousama<br/><br/> Kibou no Tomo<br/><br/> Zubizuba