Blood and Love

Blood and Love

Sangre y Amor, Sangue e Amor, 블러드 앤드 러브
1/13/2024 1:25 AM
&quot;When sunbae drinks my blood... I get this weird feeling.&quot;<br/>Jiwon tried to offer his blood to the vampire he met in his dreams but the vampire disappeared. Now, the vampire who disappeared last night reappears in front of the happy and excited Jiwon.<br/><br/><strong><u>Spanish:</u></strong><br/><spoiler>&quot;Cuando bebes mi sangre ... tengo una extra&ntilde;a sensaci&oacute;n&quot;.<br/>Ji-won que conoci&oacute; al vampiro con el que so&ntilde;aba, intenta entregarle su sangre, pero el vampiro de pronto desaparece. Un d&iacute;a frente a Ji-won, feliz y emocionado, reaparece el vampiro que desapareci&oacute; esa noche.</spoiler><br/><hr/><strong>Links:</strong><br/><a href=""><img src=""> Author&rsquo;s Twitter</a>