Bad Police

Bad Police

Bad Police, バッドポリス, Испорченный Легавый, 員警大哥, 地狱刑警, 警察大哥
1/5/2022 9:33 AM
<p>This is a no-holds-barred story about an ex-biker gang leader turned cop, Kenji Date. <br/>Operating under the nickname Hyena, Date rubs pretty much everybody within the police force <br/>the wrong way as he goes about his business ridding the city of all its scum. <br/> <br/>Bad Police also contains two separate short stories at the end of the volume: <br/> <br/>**Bomber** <br/>The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, had promised to rid Hong Kong of its criminal organizations. One of the places they migrated to was Japan. Kamon Shou is a delinquent who just got released from Youth Detention after spending two years there and is about to feel first-hand the effect the Hong Kong mob has on Japan. <br/> <br/>**Artemis** <br/>Ginko is a detective working for the famed Holmes Detective Agency, an agency that takes on the most dangerous of jobs: ones that even the police wouldn't even think about doing. She gets hired by Ms. Nancy to retrieve her seven year-old son, Tom. Tom was taken away by her father-in-law's mafia organization in hopes of cultivating Tom to become the next leader.</p>