Academy’s Undercover Professor

Academy’s Undercover Professor

Academy’s Undercover Professor, 아카데미에 위장취업당했다, I Got a Fake Job at the Academy, Я получил фальшивую работу в академии
1/11/2024 9:24 AM
<p>I wasn’t reborn with talent or ability, but at least my knowledge from earth allowed me to stay one step ahead in this other world.<br/><br/>Magic exists here, and new progress was rapidly being made in science while magic stagnated in the name of tradition. Using my earthly knowledge and not bound by the traditional thinking, I was able to do things other wizards couldn’t even imagine.<br/><br/>Still, inadvertently becoming an undercover professor for a mysterious secret society at the renowned Sören academy was never in my to-do list!</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>정체를 숨기고 세계를 떠돌던 나는 열차 테러 사건에 휘말려<br/>본의 아니게 아카데미의 교사가 되었다.<br/>하지만, 위장당한 신분 또한 위장 신분이라는 걸 알고 위기에 봉착하게 되는데…<br/>이 아슬아슬한 외줄 타기의 끝은 어디일까.</p>