A Story About a Very Lonely Female President Who Instantly Falls for a Lesbian Prostitute

A Story About a Very Lonely Female President Who Instantly Falls for a Lesbian Prostitute

A Story About a Very Lonely Female President Who Instantly Falls for a Lesbian Prostitute, A Story About a Very Lonely Female CEO Who Falls for a Lesbian Prostitute in Seconds , The Story of a Lonely Female President Who Instantly Falls for a Female Lesbian Worker, 寂しすぎる女社長がレズビアン風俗嬢に秒で落ちる話, 过于寂寞的女社长被蕾丝风俗小姐秒攻略的故事
5/24/2023 3:36 PM
<h3>EN</h3><p>She has money, status, and fame. Even though she has everything, she can't compensate for her loneliness. How can she become satisfied?<br/><br/>The destination that such a female CEO headed for was... A lesbian brothel?? Furthermore, she ended up falling in love in seconds?!</p>