29-sai Dokushin wa Isekai de Jiyuu ni Ikita... katta

29-sai Dokushin wa Isekai de Jiyuu ni Ikita... katta

29-летний холостяк перенёсся в другой мир, чтобы жить беззаботно… По крайней мере, он этого хотел., 29歳独身は異世界で自由に生きた……かった。, A 29 year old bachelor, transported to a new world to live freely... at least he wanted to
1/11/2024 1:20 AM
This is a story of a 29-years-old bachelor who was brought to a different world to live freely. Caught by an &quot;unwanted&quot; wife from day one, his life is not going so smoothly when the entire country focuses its attention on him in ten days. Without losing to such an obstacle (?), he will continue to live on.<br/><br/><hr/>Social Media Links:<br/>[li]Twitter: Ooha Maiko <a href="https://twitter.com/odcham">@odcham</a> (Manga artist)<br/>[li]Pixiv: <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=6728357">#6728357</a><br/>[li]Twitter: Kuwashima Rein <a href="https://twitter.com/kuwashima_rein">@kuwashima_rein</a> (Character designer/Illustrator)<br/>[li]Pixiv: <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=62336">#62336</a><br/><br/><hr/>Other Links:<br/>[li]Japanese <a href="https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9814bu/"> Web Novel link </a><br/>[li]Alternate Raw <a href="https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_KS01200814010000_68/">ComicWalker</a>