Gakusen Toshi Asterisk

Gakusen Toshi Asterisk

Miyazaki Yuu
The Asterisk War, 学戦都市アスタリスク
3/7/2019 2:58 AM
The Academy City on water, &quot;Rikka&quot;. This city, otherwise known as 'Asterisk', was famous for being the world's largest stage for the integrated battle entertainment &lt;Star Wars Festival&gt;. The young boys and girls of the &lt;Starpulse Generation&gt; belonging to the six academies made their wishes with Shining Armaments in their hands, vying for supremacy -- Amagiri Ayato is one of them.<br/><br/>Ayato arrived at Rikka at the invitation of the Student Council President of the Seidoukan Academy, Claudia. and right after that, he incurred the wrath of the &lt;Petalblaze Witch&gt; Julis, and ended up having to duel her.<br/><br/>Adaptation of the light novel series written by Miyazaki Yuu with illustrations by okikura.<br/><br/>Pt-Br:<br/><spoiler>A Cidade Acad&ecirc;mica na &aacute;gua, &quot;Rikka&quot;. Esta cidade, tamb&eacute;m conhecida como &quot;Asterisk&quot;, ficou famosa por ser o maior palco do mundo para a batalha entretenimento integrado chamado &quot;Wars&quot;. Os garotos e garotas pertencentes &agrave;s seis academias fazem os seus desejos e com o brilho dos armamentos em suas m&atilde;os, disputam a supremacia - Amagiri Ayato &eacute; um deles. Ayato chegou em Rikka, a convite da presidente do conselho estudantil da Academia Seidoukan, Claudia, e logo depois que ele provocou a ira da Julis, e acabou por ter de duelar com ela. A maior batalha de entretenimento academia, come&ccedil;a aqui!</spoiler>